A Message from the YMCA DC Youth Editor-in-Chief


Dear YMCA DC Y&G Delegates,

My first year of Youth and Government was virtual, making it hard to get the same experience as those before me. However, even though the program was on zoom last year, I found that I was able to make great memories in such a strong environment. Y&G events were very interesting, and I had the privilege of contributing to newsletters that discussed the various events held by Y&G. My goal as the new Press Corps Editor-in-Chief is to strengthen the quality of our newsletters and create a great group of dedicated writers, designers, etc. Having a voice is one of Y&G’s most crucial components, and it will be evident in our newsletters. No matter the size of our upcoming Press Corps, I am confident that we can truly establish a space for Youth and Government to be celebrated!

If you have any other questions or concerns, please visit dcyag.org for more information.


YMCA DC Youth Editor-in-Chief Maya Maaloul

School Without Walls Delegation