Legislative Weekend is a two-day conference that takes place in the spring and is the culminating event of the year. Throughout the conference, students use the skills they have learned in delegation meetings and at the Youth Summit. Delegates spend Friday and Saturday presenting and debating one another’s proposals. Delegates in the Press Corps cover the conference, write articles, and publish conference newspapers. Delegates also campaign for office and vote for new officers. On Friday night, students have fun and connect at Teen Night. Teen Night includes dancing, karaoke, and games. Conference attendees spend the night in a hotel on Friday night. On Saturday night, delegates attend the YMCA Youth Mayor’s Banquet. During the banquet, students celebrate their hard work and receive awards.

General Information – Here you can find important information about Legislative Weekend.

Bill Writing Resources – Here you can find resources to help you write your bill.

Parliamentary Procedure – Here you can find resources to help you understand Parliamentary Procedure.